viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016


Los alumnos de sexto curso han investigado sobre los animales que están en peligro de extinción y así de bien lo han hecho!!


(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)

What is the name of the endangered species?What does it look like?

Its name is Panda Bear and is very large and strong. Is black and White.


What are some interesting facts related to this species?

They are herbivores and are primary consumers.


What ecosystem does it live in?

 Tropical rainforest.


What does it eat?



Is it prey,predator or both?

Is prey.


Why is it under threat?

Because of man hunt.


Is there anything being done to protect it?

They are building Parks for them.


What else could be done?

Control the  hunting.

Autor :Alberto Iniesta de la Guía



The name of the animal is Ferreret is a frog, is yellow with dark spots.

Is very sensitive.

It lives in mediterranean forest(Mallorca, in Spain)

Eats insects.

Is predator and prey, because it can be eaten by other animals.(snakes and other frogs)

Is becoming extinct because of the introduccion of other species and because of the construction of dams.

We can protect them maintaning the quality of rivers and streams.

Pablo y Carlos